The 2nd Acceleration Round will be announced soon!


The 1st Round just finished! Stay tuned!

The Pop-Machina Circular Maker Accelerator program aims to provide makers with the knowledge and skills needed to turn their projects and ideas into viable and competitive businesses!

Its purpose is to support the community through business education and mentoring, to help creators enter the market with a sustainable business model offering competitive services and products.

In the 1st round, the creative accelerator training covered eight (8) key topics necessary to support an idea to grow into a sustainable business. These topics were:

  1. Introduction to the Business Model Canvas – Value chain positioning
  2. Who is my customer? – Introduction to Design Thinking
  3. Competition research – Marketing analysis & Competitive landscape
  4. The steps for my service – Customer and Business
  5. Design Thinking – Prototyping and Testing
  6. Financial support assessment
  7. Digital Marketing for businesses
  8. Pitching

4 Months
7 Projects
8 Education topics

Induction training:
First, participants were given access to an asynchronous learning platform in order to familiarize themselves with basic entrepreneurship concepts.

Basic Training & Mentoring:
Afterwards, the 8 trainings were carried out in combination with 1-1 mentoring sessions. All trainings were carried out in the form of interactive workshops. The planning of the workshop was done in such a way that theory alternates with practical exercises, there is time for questions, and that the questions of each group are discussed separately. Finally, all the teaching material together with the practical exercises remained available and free of charge to all participants.

After the end of each training and on a weekly basis, each group had the opportunity to receive personal guidance from renowned trainers.

Business modelling:
With the guidance of the trainers and special templates (templates), the groups received continuous support to design competitive business models of circular entrepreneurship.



“Through the accelerator program I learned how to create a proper business model to make an idea into a product and I was also able to communicate with companies and people that could give feedback on the product as potential users.“

George Parlitsis
R&D, Maker

“We’ve got business guidance through workshops and mentoring, that has allowed us to focus on how to improve our products and revenue streams.”

Georgia Tsiamanta, co-founder
Education and Digital Transformation Manager

Eva Maria Sarigiannidou, co-founder
Communications Manager